
Open Grand Final

  • 1
    THW use the ‘thinning‘ over randomly picking people.
  • 2
    THW remove the god from the bubble.
  • 3
    TH, as the first trillionaire, would choose to be morally good* *i.e., voluntarily redistributing significant wealth, donating to charities, transitioning to a modest/humble lifestyle, etc.
  • Open Semifinals

  • 1
    TH welcomes the increase in the number of individuals that choose careers as 'portfolio workers'.
  • 2
    THBT international organizations should aggressively divert development aid and give significant decision-making power of its usage to local civil organizations in developing countries.
  • 3
    THBT Big Tech (e.g. Apple, Meta, etc.) should not be allowed to own or have a significant stake in venture capital.
  • High School Finals

  • 1
    THR the emphasis on individual rights by Social Justice Movements rather than collective rights.
  • 2
    As Philippine progressives, THO the framing of OFWs who become domestic helpers as modern-day heroes.
  • 3
    THBT the labor movement is justified in busting police unions.
  • Novice Finals

  • 1
    THR the premium placed on contentment.
  • 2
    THR the rise of Wellness Culture.
  • 3
    THO the emphasis on "physical proximity" as a factor in relationships.
  • Open Quarterfinals

  • 1
    TH, as the medical community, would frame medical careers as a profession rather than as a vocation.
  • 2
    In countries with uncontrolled disease outbreaks, THW establish a Special Economic Zone led by the medical community.
  • 3
    THW actively integrate strong AI in the healthcare sector (i.e., clinical practice, research, drug development, etc.).
  • High School Semifinals

  • 1
    THW grant legal personhood and representation for significant environmental reserves (e.g., Amazon Rain Forest, Nile River, Tubbataha Reef, etc.).
  • 2
    THBT international climate summits should not be held in countries where carbon-intensive industries take up a large share of the nation's economy.
  • 3
    THBT the US Democratic Party should prioritize employment issues, even at the expense of significant harm to the environment.
  • Novice Semifinals

  • 1
    In disaster-prone areas, THW replace all state rebuilding and reconstruction efforts with direct cash transfers to affected citizens.
  • 2
    THS the Rwanda Asyulum Plan.
  • 3
    THS the repossession by the state of "buy-to-leave houses".
  • Open Octofinals

  • 1
    In states where the death penalty is legal, THW decide the execution of the death penalty based on a popular referendum.
  • 2
    In places with high crime rates and police corruption, THW implement the Camden Experiment.
  • 3
    THW treat all wobbler offenses committed by minors as misdemeanors.
  • Round 4

  • 1
    THBT queer movements in liberal democracies should reject marriage as an institution (i.e., discouraging members from getting married, promoting polyamory, etc.).
  • 2
    TH opposes Lipstick Feminism.
  • 3
    THW revoke all socioeconomic privileges (e.g., tax exemptions, land access, etc.) for religious institutions that refuse to appoint female religious leaders.
  • Round 3

  • 1
    TH, as Lewis Hamilton, would move to Formula E.
  • 2
    THBT esports developers should not prioritize feedback from professional players when it comes to patches.
  • 3
    As a promising US high school basketball player, THW accept an international professional basketball offer over a US college offer.
  • Round 2

  • 1
    THBT arts that inspire outrage to strengthen social justice causes do more harm than good (e.g., Antebellum, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc.).
  • 2
    THBT it is in the interest of NFT platforms (e.g., OpenSea, etc.) to ban the minting of AI-generated images.
  • 3
    Assuming feasibility, THW permanently erase all access to abandonware.
  • Round 1

  • 1
    THS the rise in unschooling in developing countries.
  • 2
    THBT universities should significantly limit their faculties from being involved in non-teaching tasks, such as partaking in research projects or working in external academic institutes.
  • 3
    THBT schools should discourage students of working-class households from pursuing degrees with low employability in higher educational institutions (i.e., applying for fine arts/philosophy courses in universities), even if those subjects align with students' interests and aspirations.